City: stage of culture and communication, space for reflection on tourism


  • Denise da Costa Oliveira Siqueira State University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Euler David de Siqueira Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


City, Tourism, Postmodernity


In "Urban allegories: the past as subterfuge - time, space and visuality in postmodernity" (Campinas: Papirus, 2006), Susana Gastal takes up the question of the city showing that the theme is necessary, more than ever. An important field of discussion since the Greek polis, the city appears in Gastal's research as a reference for thinking about postmodernity and its implications.


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Author Biographies

Denise da Costa Oliveira Siqueira, State University of Rio de Janeiro

Associate Professor at the Communication Faculty at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Postdoctoral researcher in Sociology at the Center d'études sur l'actuel et le quotidien de Université Paris-Descartes / Sorbonne. PhD in Communication Sciences, School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo. Master in Information Science by ECO / UFRJ / IBICT / CNPq. She studied specialization in Urban Sociology and graduated in Communication at UERJ.

Euler David de Siqueira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Euler David de Siqueira holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Institute of Human Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1994), a master's degree in sociology from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1997), PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001) and post-doctorate in sociology from the Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne (2009-2011). He is Associate Professor IV and researcher at the Multidisciplinary Institute of UFRRJ and permanent professor in the PPGPACS - Postgraduate Program in Heritage, Culture and Society and in the PPGPDS - Graduate Program in Sustainable Development.


BOURDIEU, Pierre. O poder simbólico. Lisboa: Difel, Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1989.

CANEVACCI, Massimo. A cidade polifônica: ensaio sobre a antropologia da comunicação urbana. São Paulo: Studio Nobel, 1993.

MAFFESOLI, Michel. A contemplação do mundo. Porto Alegre: Artes e Ofícios, 1995.

MAUSS, Marcel. Ensaio sobre a dádiva: forma e razão da troca nas sociedades arcaicas. In: _____. Sociologia e antropologia. São Paulo: Edusp, 1974. v. II. p. 37–184.

MORIN, Edgar. O método. v. 4: As idéias: habitat, vida, costumes, organização. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 1998.

SIMMEL, Georg. O estrangeiro. In: Simmel. São Paulo: Ática, 1983. Coleção Grandes Cientistas sociais.



How to Cite

Siqueira, D. da C. O., & de Siqueira, E. D. (2008). City: stage of culture and communication, space for reflection on tourism. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32). Retrieved from




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