The role of artificial intelligence algorithms in the social web
Artificial Intelligence. Social Networks. Fake News.Abstract
Since 2016 in the United States and Europe the topic of fake news has become a central concern of journalism because of the damage that this phenomenon causes especially to the healthy preservation of democratic systems. In 2018, the electoral process brought this theme to the climax of debates in Brazil. It is in social networking applications that fake news proliferate and it is no longer unknown that both social networks and browsers are now under the control of artificial intelligence algorithms. Because of the lack of knowledge about how these algorithms work and the fear that films and series on the subject have awakened in people, a certain negative feeling has developed against algorithms, especially the ones of artificial intelligence. In view of this, based on careful research on the current trends in artificial intelligence, this article aims to demystify unfounded beliefs and fantasies by objectively demonstrating how artificial intelligence works and the role it plays behind the functioning of social networks.
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