Deliberate Confusion of Borders: On the Imaginary of Excess and Transgression in Cyberculture


  • Erick Felinto University of the State of Rio de Janeiro



Communication, Cyberculture, Transgression


This article examines the notions of excess and transgression in the discourses of cyberculture. The hypothesis defended is that the libertarian and revolutionary rhetoric of cyberutopianisms conceals, in reality, an essentially conservative worldview and marked by the myths of the progressive modernization.


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Author Biography

Erick Felinto, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Master's degree in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), Specialization (ABD) from the University of California, Los Angeles in Romance Languages and Literatures (1997) and PhD in Literature from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1998). To have completed post-doctoral training at the Universität der Künste Berlin on German Theories of Media (2010-2011). He is currently a researcher at CNPq and Associate Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, where he teaches in the Graduate Program in Social Communication. He is also a contributing professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Literature Studies at the Fluminense Federal University.


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How to Cite

Felinto, E. (2008). Deliberate Confusion of Borders: On the Imaginary of Excess and Transgression in Cyberculture. Revista FAMECOS, 11(24), 140–148.



Dossier partnership in research groups: PUCRS / UFRJ / UERJ