Public Relations Situation Analysis in the Media


  • Roberto Porto Simões Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, public relations, media


In addition to the formally expressed title on the side, this article could have the titles of: (1) A technique for clipping; (2) The analysis of qualitative content with a priori categories; Or (3) The search for information for a Public Relations decision, without, however, losing the referential with its content, as well as showing how some topics (clipping, content analysis, information search) are interconnected or simply , Are a single. The preference for the title of the article was only, because of its origin as a didactic instrument of academic teaching in the identification of situations of Public Relations in the media.


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Author Biography

Roberto Porto Simões, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor at the Faculty of Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Public Relations Situation Analysis in the Media


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How to Cite

Porto Simões, R. (2008). Public Relations Situation Analysis in the Media. Revista FAMECOS, 5(9), 126–131.


