Remix and sampling: DJs' identity and memory in the electronic music
Electronic music, Memory, IdentityAbstract
This research deals with the use of sampling and remix techniques as part of the creative processes in electronic music that, in certain cases, brings memories and musical identities. Based on Cultural Studies, this research investigates the hybridity in music productions made by four brazilian DJs: KL Jay (Racionais MC’s), Alfredo Bello (DJ Tudo), Luana Hansen (DJ and MC) and Rodrigo Gorky (Bonde do Rolê and Fatnotronic) – whose subjectivities are noted in sampling using and/or remixing. The ideia is understand how musical memory provides to the disc jockey certain elements that articulate hybridities in the musical language. Thus, the eluded aspect of these artists’ identities, that operates on hybrid substances of their songs, subverts standardization and hegemonic discourses in media culture.
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Kleber Geraldo Simões (KL Jay), por Nilton Faria de Carvalho, 25 jul. 2015, São Paulo.
Luiz Alfredo Coutinho (DJ Tudo), por Nilton Faria de Carvalho, 19 jul. 2015, São Paulo.
Luana Hansen, por Nilton Faria de Carvalho, 16 jun. 2015, São Paulo.
Rodrigo Pereira Antunes (Rodrigo Gorky), por Nilton Faria de Carvalho, 30 jun. 2015,
São Paulo.
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