Cinematographic image and thought: image-affection at the confluence of the of Peirce’s and Deleuze’s theories


  • Maria Ogécia Drigo Universidade de Sorocaba



Deleuze/Peirce, Cinematographic image, Affection Image


This paper presents results of a research, which addresses the relation between thought and cinematographic images, from theories developed by Deleuze at the confluence with Peirce’s theories. Among the kinds of the movement-image, a concept developed by Deleuze in Movement Image - Cinema 1 – for this paper, one has focused the affection image. Aiming to understand such concept and to explicit its role in the thought, focus on reflections about the movement image concept and its subdivisions, but connected with phenomenological categories established by Peirce. Besides that, it will be classified the affection-image, based on definitions and taxonomy of signs extracted from the speculative grammar, one of the branches of semiotics or logic, highlighting the different kinds of icon. The importance of this paper lies in emphasizing the potential of Peirce’s theories which flow with Deleuze’s theories, for the understanding of thought or of moving images.


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Author Biography

Maria Ogécia Drigo, Universidade de Sorocaba

Docente e Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura da Universidade de Sorocaba. Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC/SP e pós-doutora pela ECA/USP.


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How to Cite

Drigo, M. O. (2018). Cinematographic image and thought: image-affection at the confluence of the of Peirce’s and Deleuze’s theories. Revista FAMECOS, 25(2), ID27989.


