Exu, the androgynous canibal: approximations between mythology and anthropophagous brazilian imaginary to think otherness
Imaginary, Brazilian culture, AnthropophagyAbstract
This article proposes to explore the myth of Exu and the Brazilian anthropophagous imaginary in its indigenous conceptions in order to extract an epistemological proposal for the communication that starts from an Afro - Brazilian cannibal metaphysics. After studying the myth of "Exu eats everything" and the indigenous interpretation of the phenomenon of anthropophagy, we re-read the Modernist Anthropophagic Manifesto and, by approximation, we update it in Afro-Brazilian mythology. In approaching this reality through the bias of myth and imaginary, we propose to overcome the barriers of the western representations around the anthropophagy and to contribute to an understanding of this notion as of a digestive path that allows to be constructed through the other. In this way, we conclude that the myth of Exu, as androgynous cannibal, can allow to express the bases of a communicational episteme, Brazilian and contemporary.
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