Productive circuit of the Agência Pública and the possibilities for the expansion of freedoms
News Agency, Productive circuit, Development as freedomAbstract
Experiences of journalistic production alternatives to the hegemonic model have been recorded for at least a century in Brazil. Among the contemporary representatives of this journalistic practice is the agency of investigative reporting Pública. The article seeks to understand the proposal of production of the Agência Pública and its possible autonomy in the production of contents, examining the possibility of the content conveyed by the agency potentially contribute to the expansion of individual freedoms, proposed by Amartya Sen (2010), able to lead to the development of society. Circuit of culture, by Richard Johnson (2010), with predefined categories, is used as the theoretical-methodological protocol. It’s used interview and documentary analysis. The research concludes that the productive strategy of Pública, to operate with autonomy in relation to publicity and non-profit, with free distribution of the content and having as focus the exposition of the fragilities of the Brazilian social reality, materialized in an analyzed article, can contribute to the expansion of freedoms.
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