Drafts and projects from the entrepreneurial society: connectionist world, sociability and consumption
Entrepreneur culture, Communication and consumption, SpeechAbstract
This article focuses on the entrepreneurial culture, understood as communication process by the analysis of the Draft Project; or, in the words of the project itself, it is the analysis of the “Maker Culture”, or the “new Brazilian entrepreneurs”. The object of study is a digital platform that gives visibility to entrepreneurship initiatives, social entrepreneurship, and new businesses, ranging from a journalistic aesthetic to the sponsored content by large corporations. At issue is a Brazil edited by the vision of “entrepreneurial society” (Drucker, 2011). Among the themes developed are: the asrelationship between national projects, entrepreneurial culture and the spirit of capitalism (Boltanski; Chiapello, 2009); the meanings of consumption, forms of sociability and culture models (Morin, 2007) built on the Draft Project environment. The research method is based on the critical discourse analysis of Fairclough (2001).Downloads
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