Looping attacks: when a word activates an image
Mediatization, Imaginary, AttacksAbstract
This article begins with the word attack in order to deal with symbolic images that are constructed by the media coverage. With the recent events in France involving the newspaper Charlie Hebdo and the dissemination of videos made by the Islamic State, it is asked which is the meaning that the word attack summons? The premise is that the collective imaginary is activated by media phenomena whenever an attack occurs worldwide. So, it is possible to say that there is a recurring figure, socially shared, with regard to the crystallization of the image of the word attack? Thus, this article is organized in three stages: a) the conceptual notions; b) the media context of images appearance/reappearance, and c) the articulation of the attacks with the idea of a totemic image by circulation. The base hypothesis is that the image of September 11, 2001 is the adherent figure, called either by journalism or by social actors to maintain the connection with the collective imaginary.Downloads
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