Deleuzian “onirosigns” in the videoclip Hyperballad: cinematic interfaces
Videoclip, Cinema, Oneiric narrativeAbstract
This paper analyses the videoclip Hyperballad, scripted and presented by Björk, and directed by Michel Gondry, with emphasis on the techno-aesthetic interlocutions between audiovisual products and cinema. The text also asks to which extent the work announces characteristics of the cinéma du look – a tendency of French cinema, in which the director is integrated. The Deleuze’s notion of time-image, in the signic instance of dream-image, is the main theoretical basis; thus, the dialogue with Peirce is crucial to understand the Deleuzian “onirosigns” in the videoclip. Finally, the Bachelard’s phenomenology of dreams is used, in order to interpret the space-temporal modulations of oneiric narrative on the screen.
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