Science and technology in the imaginary of The Big Bang Theory: from archetypical images to updating of myths and stereotypes in the "Information Age"
Imaginary, Sitcom, MythodologyAbstract
The Big Bang Theory, a successful sitcom in several countries, creates, reproduces an shares an imaginary that is a mirror of some science and technology aspects that became almost omnipresent in contemporary society. This paper maps the main symbolical elements of the scientific-technological imaginary in the sitcom and analyses their meanings. The goal is better understand the identification process between the serial and its audience and identify some elements that contribute for its success. The research is based on the anthropological concept about the imaginary and in the “mythodology” developed by Gilbert Durand. The results show what archetypes, myths and stereotypes related to science and technology flow in the imaginary of a mainstream audiovisual product and how they are updated in a comedy.Downloads
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