These rockers don´t like: taste as performance and music fans at Facebook fanpage United Against Rock
Taste Performance, Music fans, Facebook.Abstract
The present paper explores the debate about taste and its manifestations in social network websites. We discuss the notion of taste as performance (Hennion, 2007, 2010) working as an experiential relation between subjects, music and the materiality of technologies. Based on the contextualization of discussions about taste and music fans, we describe and characterize some empirical shapes/ways of these manifestations, setting/using facebook Brazilian fanpage "Unidos Contra o Rock" (United Against Rock) as an example. Amongst initial observations we highlight the amalgam between symbolic disputes and social distinctions (Bourdieu, 2008) in the clash dividing music genres such as rock and funk carioca; elements of subcultural capital (Thornton, 1996) and sociability, sometimes ludic or combative between fans, antifans, haters and trolls. Such aspects form different manners of creating a performance of musical taste, acting in the mediations between listening and musical genres in the context of contemporary culture.
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