Epistemological origins, changes and horizons of the glocal phenomenon – from the normative-celebrative interests of the enterprise field to the tensional resignifications in the humanities and social sciences
Mediatic civilization, Glocal phenomenon, Technologies and networks of communication in real time.Abstract
Contributing to renew the debate on the relations between local and global in the contemporary culture, the article maps and discuss some interpretations of the glocal phenomenon and its largest process, the glocalization, since its terminological-celebrative imprisonment in the enterprise field to its theoretical-descriptive insertion in the humanities and social sciences, especially in the communication area, about which the text can be considered an example. This historicization includes the critique to two common assumptions: the preponderance of the local on the global (that belittles the social-historical and political-economic role of the technologies and networks in real time, included all post-industrial interests that support them) and the absolutism of global and globalization (which, when it radicalizes the perception of the present trends, relativizes the socioestructural importance of the local – critiques along which the author signalizes his tensional theoretical-epistemological approach about the theme.Downloads
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