Beyond the fixity of drawing: pictorical representation and visual narrative in graphic humor


  • Benjamim Picado Universidade Federal Fluminense



Caricature, Graphic Humour, Visual Narrative.


We intend to examine the relationships between the representation of actions and the fixed forms of designs, departing from a look upon the narratives potentialities of visual aspects of traditional daily strips: we are especially concerned with the complementarity between the stylistic traits of caricature - as a matrix for the design of characters – and the very narrative structure of visual gags – as a privileged model for the representation of actions proper to the comedic genres of narratives. In this perspective, the morphology of visual humor – symbolized by caricature – is best addressed once their humorous grace is considered as a part of the general problem of a "lacunar" mor "experssive" style of pictorial representation: the association of such a style with a poetic approach towards laughter in caricature is instrumental to the achievement of visual narrative.


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Author Biography

Benjamim Picado, Universidade Federal Fluminense

doutor em comunicacao e semiotica (puc-sp), professor do departamento de estudos culturais e midia, da universidade federal fluminense


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How to Cite

Picado, B. (2013). Beyond the fixity of drawing: pictorical representation and visual narrative in graphic humor. Revista FAMECOS, 20(2), 354–371.


