Curricular innovation: an achievable challenge
Curriculum, Educational management, Curricular innovationAbstract
Innovation in the curriculum area is a necessity to meet the educational needs of the contemporary world, rather than a long-time desire expressed by educators’ discourses. A curricular restructuring project presented as a strategic challenge to a network of private schools in Porto Alegre brought into play significant changes in this direction, translating a new school format in to pedagogical practices and educational management actions that have overcome difficulties and shown positive results, both in quantitative data and qualitative observations. In this article, we intend to describe the process of curricular restructuring on one of the schools of the referred network, which has undergone the proposed challenge as a pilot case. In addition to describing it, we aim to generate ideas on the topic of curricular innovations. The case was observed, analyzed and systematized during a research that originated the Final Paper of the Certificate Program in Curriculum Management, defended in March 2017, at PUCRS, and which we conducted as an adviser and a student.
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