Conceptions an practices about continuing formation and the educational management’s role: teacher’s narratives


  • Marilia Salles Bastos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Luciana Dalla Nora dos Santos Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha



Continuing formation, Educational management, Teachers, Conceptions and practices


In this article it is presented the resulting discussions of the research named “Conceptions and practices about continuing formation and the educational management’s role: teacher's narratives”, which aimed to understand the teachers’ conceptions about the continuing formation and the manner in which the Educational Management refers to these activities. The Educational Management has a significant role by mediating the planning and the participation of professionals in the formation, and it seeks collectively for the understanding of the importance of them for the teacher's work. We argue that the school space is the richest one for these activities, considering the teacher's experiences and experiments. Freire (1996), Marcelo Garcia (1999), Bolzan (2002), Nóvoa (2009), Vaillant & Marcelo Garcia (2012) and Libâneo (2013) are some of the authors that compose the theoretical framework. The methodology used is qualitative with a sociocultural narrative approach, through the conduction of semi structured interviews with teachers of the municipal educational network in the city of Julio de Castilhos. The narratives allowed us to develop the categorical dimensions: conceptions and practices of formation and the role of educational management, which expresses the continuing formation as foreseen and planned activity by the school management, although its importance and implementation for the work at school is not incorporated by the teachers and the school management yet, when we refer to the way it is faced. The offer of these activities stems significantly from the fulfilment of the both planning and/or the schedule of the management, and from this the teachers seek for “seizing” something that will be satisfactory for their work. Thus, we highlight the educational management role, by enabling and considering spaces for the listening, the reflection and the sharing of experiences as base for the planning.


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Author Biographies

Marilia Salles Bastos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Licenciada em Pedagogia - UFSMEspecialista em Gestão Escolar - IF Far./JC
Acadêmica do curso de Educação Especial - UFSM 

Luciana Dalla Nora dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha

Mestre em Educação/UFSM.

Docente do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha


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How to Cite

Bastos, M. S., & Santos, L. D. N. dos. (2018). Conceptions an practices about continuing formation and the educational management’s role: teacher’s narratives. Educação Por Escrito, 9(1), 82–101.


