A new cinematographic genre: the documentary-catastrophe


  • Ieda Tucherman Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Cecília C.B. Cavalcanti Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Documentary, catastrophe, scientific aesthetics


This article tries to show the idea of what we call documentarycatastrophe, as a new cinema gender. Our focus of interest are two films of similar theme and different nature: the winning An inconvenient truth, by the former-vice-president of the United States, Al Gore, and the documentary of BBC, Are we changing our planet? by the journalist David Attenborough. In these documentaries the world is the main character, with a rhetorical and aesthetic elements capable of convincing and to fascinate the spectators, in a game of construction of destruction images that reaches in the visual heart our affection for this planet and this life, once so photogenic


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Author Biographies

Ieda Tucherman, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professor of UFRJ Communication School

Cecília C.B. Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Tucherman, I., & Cavalcanti, C. C. (2008). A new cinematographic genre: the documentary-catastrophe. Revista FAMECOS, 15(35), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2008.35.4091



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