Cybercides: notes on the new techno heterotipos


  • Ieda Tucherman Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Communication, cyberculture, cybercity


From a reflection on the technodigital conception of contemporary cities, we propose to think here their genealogy as reality and their presence as narrative, their connection with the cinema and with the technological imaginary, their habitat experience of the cyborgs, their relation with the post- Human, post-historical or post-biological. Considering the cybercides a cultural artifact, we propose the concept of heterotopia to describe what characterizes them: virtualizations and inventions.


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Author Biography

Ieda Tucherman, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor at the School of Communications of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Tucherman, I. (2008). Cybercides: notes on the new techno heterotipos. Revista FAMECOS, 13(31), 85–90.


