Social Media Audience: approach advances of Uses and Gratifications


  • Raquel M C Ferreira UFS



Uses and Gratification, Multi Theory Scheme, Theoretical landmarks


The approach of Uses and Gratifications has an influential tradition at the audience research dealing with the factors that led the receiver to select and to expose to different media and communication content. The basic assumption of this proposition is that, through the experiences and reflections of the audience on the media contents, they relate which materials are rewarding or useful. Certainly, the model of U&G expanded so much that we do not talk about a theory of U&G anymore, but, in a multi theory scheme. This article aims to introduce the “state of art” of this important reference, pointing its main formulations evident by the use of literature review and the results of a bibliometric research.


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Author Biography

Raquel M C Ferreira, UFS

Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, com atuação no curso de Publicidade e Propaganda e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação. Publicitária, doutora pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2011), e mestre pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (2003). Foi professora titular e coordenadora dos cursos de graduação de Relações Públicas e Publicidade e Propaganda das Faculdades ESEEI, Escola Superior de Estudos Empresariais e Informática, Curitiba/Paraná.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, R. M. C. (2015). Social Media Audience: approach advances of Uses and Gratifications. Revista FAMECOS, 23(1), ID20832.


