Teaching in Higher Education: professorality under construction


  • Maria Isabel da Cunha UFPel




Faculty members. Higher Education. Professorality. Teaching identity.


The text analyses teaching conditions, especially the ones which have Higher Education as a scenario. It states that the social role the school has through different times and contexts produces the desired profile for the educator. This paper uses the epistemological perspective and its effects upon pedagogical practices as well as on academic curricula. It defends the importance of a breakthrough in modern science in order to respond to contemporary society demands. The text analyses teaching identity as an assumption of professorality, understood as a profession in action. It relates the teaching satisfaction that involves organizational and personal dimensions Also, it defends institutional and public policies responsibilities on the production of a sort of teaching based on professional and collective education in the context of a higher education pedagogy, which might be able to respond to emerging demands.


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel da Cunha, UFPel




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How to Cite

da Cunha, M. I. (2018). Teaching in Higher Education: professorality under construction. Educação, 41(1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2018.1.29725



Dossiê: A construção de profissionalidade: a pessoa em formação