Schooling and Social Class in America


  • Jaime Grinberg Montclair State University
  • Jeremy Price Montclair State University
  • Fernando Naiditch Montclair State University



Education. Social class. USA.


In this paper the relationship between social class and education is discussed and a complex definition of social class based not only on income but using more criteria such as social and cultural issues, geographic, and other aspects that interact with the school is presented. While a goal of schooling in the United States has been for this institution to provide equal opportunity, in this paper we discuss how opportunity is not equal and how this goal tends to focus on individual aspects and not in the collective aspects, structural, and institutional, that really frame the different conditions on the issue of social class. This paper also discusses how schooling in the case of the United States works to maintain a hegemonic social order to perpetuate the myth of meritocracy. It questions how the curriculum and pedagogy exert a significant relationship in social class structure.


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Author Biographies

Jaime Grinberg, Montclair State University

Profesor titular de Fundaciones de la Educacion

Colegio de Educacion y Servicios Humanos

Jeremy Price, Montclair State University

Profesor titular de Fundaciones de la Educacion

Colegio de Educacion y Servicios Humanos

Fernando Naiditch, Montclair State University

Profesor Asociado titular de Educacion 

Colegio de Educacion y Servicios Humanos


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How to Cite

Grinberg, J., Price, J., & Naiditch, F. (2016). Schooling and Social Class in America. Educação, 39(1), 46–55.