The meanings of the “novo mundo” in Latam Airlines advertising about the pandemic on Facebook
Ideological sign, Social evaluation, Advertising discourseAbstract
The aim of this paper is to study the meanings of the sign “novo mundo” from three advertising posts of Latam Airlines, published on its Facebook page. The clipping privileged the posts with image and text that the sign “novo mundo” was materialized, in a discursive sample taken between the months of March and September 2020. We present a theoretical section that we discuss the ideological sign according to Volóchinov (2017) and a section in which we deal with the question of the concrete utterance and its methodological approach from the Bakhtin Circle. The analysis links the three advertising posts with different moments of understanding of the Coronavirus pandemic by society: a “novo mundo” in emergence, in the first, a “novo mundo” in consolidation, in the second; a “novo mundo” as already given in the third. Finally, we consider that the “novo mundo” that Latam builds in its discourse is its way of coping with the pandemic and its ideologically constructed strategy to sell tickets, which occurs simultaneously with the resumption of society’s economic activities.
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