Organizational contexts: culture as constituents of identity and imaginary


  • Caroline Delevati Colpo Universidade Feevale



Organizational Communication, Identities, Imaginary


This work constitutes in a reflection that discusses the organizational contexts and how their symbolic cultures interfere or not in the formation of identity and imaginary of the individuals belonging to it. With a transdisciplinary construction, we have as option the Paradigm of Complexity, mainly in an attempt to learn/understand/ comprehend this symbolic culture, present in the identities and the imaginary of organizational individuals. This configuration is expected to bring greater clarity to the explanation about the phenomena of organizational contexts in which we start to understanding that the shared culture has the ability to constant (re)construction, and in turn change, interfere and (re)create the identities and the organizational individuals’ imaginary recursively.


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Author Biography

Caroline Delevati Colpo, Universidade Feevale

Caroline Delevati Colpo, professora dos Cursos de Comunicação Social da Universidade Feevale – Novo Hamburgo/RS. Doutora em Comunicação, PUC/RS.


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How to Cite

Colpo, C. D. (2014). Organizational contexts: culture as constituents of identity and imaginary. Revista FAMECOS, 21(1), 251–267.



Organizational Communication

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