The representation of Angola in the construction of the characters of Se o passado não tivesse asas, by Pepetela




Pepetela, Se o passado não tivesse asas, Mikhail Bakhtin, Construction of the character


This article aims to analyze the construction of the characters of Pepetela’s novel Se o passado não tivesse asas (If the past had no wings, free translation), which narrates the time of the civil war and post-war in Angola, a period between 1995 and 2012. In the light of concepts such as exteriority and the surplus of vision, proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin, we examine the way two apparently independent stories, which supposedly present two different main characters (Himba and Sofia), manage to describe, metaphorically and critically, the process of the reconstruction of Angola. Through the eyes of a heterodiegetic narrator, it is possible to establish a self-Other relation in two interconnected levels: a temporal level (the characters’ journey) and a spatial level (the eyes of the Other that observes from an external position and, therefore, is able to identify what exceeds). The nonfinalizable discourse suggested by Bakhtin reveals what seems to be the proposal of Pepetela’s literary texts from 1990 onwards: to report the attempt of Angola to erase the past.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Coelho Silva Wertheimer, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Doutora em Teoria da Literatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS); professora do curso de Graduação em Letras da mesma instituição.


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How to Cite

Wertheimer, A. M. C. S. (2020). The representation of Angola in the construction of the characters of Se o passado não tivesse asas, by Pepetela. Navegações, 13(2), e37240.


