The school as a spacetime of competencies of research



Investigation, Competencies, Integral education


This text relates a thesis research to the implementation of the curricular restructure of Rede Marista. Both – thesis and restructure – coexisted chronologically and, although the goal of the doctorate research initially hasn’t been investigating elements from Rede Maristas’s project, the data survey gives opportunity to relate them. The goal of this text is to relate the author’s doctorate research to the elements related to the investigation in the process of the curricular restructuring of Rede Marista. For such, it will be used a qualitative and explanatory methodology that will utilize bibliography review and systematization of questionnaires applied to three audiences (students, teachers and managers) from two Marista’s schools from Rio Grande do Sul over three years (2015 to 2017). When there’s investigation and interaction with people that research, the ambience turns richer in experience and learning. This variety, whether it be of interaction with people from the school community, or of contact with types of learning, or even of techniques of learning, it’s well evidenced in the students’ responses.


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Author Biography

Fernando Degrandis, Colégio Marista Ipanema, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Doutor e mestre em teologia pela Faculdades EST. Licenciado em filosofia pela UNISC; especialista em coordenação pedagógica pelo ISEI e em gestão curricular marista pela PUCRS; Vice-diretor educacional do Colégio Marista Ipanema em Porto Alegre, RS Brasil.


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How to Cite

Degrandis, F. (2020). The school as a spacetime of competencies of research. Caderno Marista De Educação, 11(1), e37691. Retrieved from


