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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the magazine's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for authors", found in the section "Submissões".
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines



Main section of the journal for original and unpublished articles, following the editorial standards of this publication. Texts with well-defined methodological procedures will be considered articles.


Abstract of 200 to 250 words; up to five keywords; introduction; theoretical framework; methodological procedures, results, and conclusions.

Up to four authors will be accepted per work.

Size: from 10 to 15 pages (with abstracts and references).



Promotes new works, introducing them to readers who are not familiar with them. It may include an evaluation of the work in question, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and relevance to the field of study.


Abstract of 200 to 250 words; between three and five keywords.

Only one author per work.

Size: between 3 and 5 pages.

Experiences Stories

Describes a specific experience capable of offering a presentation of methodologies or practices applicable to particular situations or events. Additionally, the text must address reflections and impressions resulting from this experience, based on a solid theoretical foundation.


Abstract of 200 to 250 words; between three and five keywords; introduction; theoretical framework; description of the experience; discussion and conclusions.

Up to four authors will be accepted per work.

Size: from 10 to 15 pages (with abstracts and references).

Thematic Dossier: Innovative Educator Award 2023


It is with great satisfaction that we announce the launch of the Thematic Dossier: Innovative Educator Award 2023, an initiative of the Socio-educational and Evangelization Directorate of Marista Brasil. The award promotes and shares pedagogical-pastoral practices implemented by educators in our schools and colleges across the country.

Like the award, this thematic dossier aims to recognize and share experiences with the educational community in a broader and more detailed way. The registered projects cover different segments and areas of activity, as well as themes that cross the curriculum such as pastoral care and internationalization, reflecting the diversity, power and dynamism of the Marist educational scenario.

May this dossier serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for all who seek a culture of innovation, research and collaboration in the Marist educational ecosystem.

Academic Interview

An academic interview consists of a structured conversation between the interviewer and one or more interviewees, on relevant topics of a specific subject.


Abstract of 200 to 300 words, including the interview's interest and a brief biography of the interviewee(s); between three and five keywords.

Up to two authors per work.

Size: from 3 to 10 pages.



An essay is a short text that presents the author's opinion on a specific topic. It is a way to express ideas, arguments, reflections, and analyses more freely and personally than other academic genres.


Abstract of 200 to 250 words; between three and five keywords; introduction; development and conclusions.

Only one author per work.

Size: from 5 to 10 pages (with abstract and references).

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