This paper aims to analyze the currently growing debate about the Teaching of History. More specifically, it tries to expand the studies on the “Pedagogy of the Teaching of Collective Traumas” (with emphasis in the Holocaust) in the Brazilian academia. It
Holocaust, World War II, trauma, teaching of HistoryAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the currently growing debate about the Teaching of History. More specifically, it tries to expand the studies on the “Pedagogy of the Teaching of Collective Traumas” (with emphasis in the Holocaust) in the Brazilian academia. It is latent the need for revisiting curriculums, in any level, adjusting them to the social demands of our present time. We’ll try, in this text, to discuss the performance of the school, the teacher, and the didactic materials while teaching tools that aim to combat hate manifestations present both in State’s structure, and in society. Nowadays there is a growing call for evaluation of what we have been learning and teaching about traumatic events. Especially in Brazilian education, the teaching about collective trauma is treated mostly as a footnote in overarching themes, like the Holocaust in relation to World War II. It’s clear that curriculums and pedagogical instruments available in Brazil don’t give the necessary support for the agents of the educational process. In this way, we aim to show and problematize YadVashem’s didactical materials, the museum responsible for Holocaust Memory, and the manner that the theme has been explored in Israel, its methods and objectives. We will use as source three materials developed by YadVashem, distributed in different educational levels, in accord with the spiraling philosophy of teaching. They are: “Tommy”, “Porque Naftali se llama Naftali” e “Cuatro vidas distintas y muy parecidas”.
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