Vol. 54 No. 3 (2019)

Cláudio Primo Delanoy

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil


Published: 2019-12-31


  • The point of view creates the object: the basis of research in Linguistics

    Cláudio Primo Delanoy
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.36238


  • Editorial lusophonics: the possible discourse ethos of independent publishers

    Letícia Santana Gomes
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30653
  • Discursive ethos and the subjectivity in journalism: William Bonner in election times

    Iverton Gessé Ribeiro Gonçalves
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30724
  • Ethos and pathos on Dove’s publicity: a syncretic construction

    Roseméri Lorenz, Luciana Maria Crestani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30942
  • The dialogism and the construction of the ethos in the publicity discourse

    Juliana Geórgia Gonçalves de Araújo, Lia Raquel Vieira de Andrade
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30948
  • “Only Zé Lador remembers them”: etos and new ways to make news

    Gustavo Estef Lino da Silveira, Poliana Coeli Costa Arantes, Bruno Deusdará
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30943
  • Discursive construction of the ethos of institutional authority: power, vigilance and slave revolts in Bahia

    Eliana Correia Brandão Gonçalves
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30947
  • Linguistics, education and politics: beyond academics

    Mary Elizabeth Cerutti-Rizzatti, Hellen Melo Pereira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.30587
  • Construction of ethos in laboratory reports of university students: contrasts in academic discourse in Spanish

    Enrique Sologuren Insua, María Natalia Castillo Fadic
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.31276
  • Discursive Ethos and Enunciative Performance: self-construction of commentators in scientific popularization texts from the magazine Superinteressante online

    Maria Eduarda Giering, Eduardo Paré Glück
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.31075
  • “A Ler Vamos…” and “L.E.R. Cãofiante”, with students in the first years of schooling

    Joana Cruz, Patrícia Constante, Elisa Lopes, Joana Amaral, Daniela Quintas, Maria José Mackaaij
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.32892
  • Lexical collocations verb-nouns in a corpus of learners of Spanish as a Foreign Language of A2 and B1 level

    Lorena Paulina Blanco San Martín, Anita Alejandra Ferreira Cabrera, Erwin Leonidas Blanco San Martín
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.33243
  • “Me and my quota student in public school”: racism, discursive ethos, media discourse and subjectivity production

    Bianca Assis Oliveira de Paula, Fabio Sampaio de Almeida, Maria Cristina Giorgi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2019.3.35764