Tua mão na minha [Your hand in mine] written by Eloí Bocheco
Fantasy and imagination in the female authorship’s contemporary short story for children
Contemporary short story for childhood, Fantasy, Imagination, Eloí Bocheco, Your hand in mineAbstract
In the article, it was investigated the fantasy and the imagination, used as resources in the creation context of the contemporary short story destined to the children and occurred throughout bibliographical research of qualitative approach, which allows approximate the theoretical considerations of the book Tua mão na minha [Your hand in mine], written by Eloí Bocheco, Brazilian author, overall Catarinense. The path outlined for the article starts from a brief consultation to consider the short story, which is done by Charles Kiefer (2004), towards the considerations of Vera Teixeira de Aguiar (2001), Marta Morais da Costa (2006, 2007), Bruno Bettelheim (2007), Diana Lichetenstein Corso and Mario Corso (2006) and Regina Zilberman (2005, 2014), among others. This framework allows us to understand, the short story and the specific characteristics of this narrative, in other words, the importance of fantasy and imagination in its constitution. Then, a reading of Bocheco’s short story is presented, exploring the aspects in which fantasy and imagination are enhanced in the plot and the actions of the protagonist of the narrative named Dúnia. In the end, from the many possibilities and suggestions that the short story in question inventively inaugurates and provokes, it is attested that Tua mão na minha [Your hand in mine], which was weaved from memory and, therefore, able to invest as much in the imaginative resources, it is a narrative that, in its plot, doubles, as it is allowed to imagine, and, in a genuine childhood activity, mobilize resources from the inner world when it is necessary to deal with limit situations that are found in the reader’s trajectory/crossing.
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