The effect of frontness and height in the identification of open-mid vowels and close-mid vowels in Brazilian Portuguese by Spanish speakers
Frontness, height, Identification of open-mid vowels and close mid-vowels, L2 Brazilian Portuguese.Abstract
Speakers of L1 Spanish have difficulty discriminating the open and close-mid vowels [e], [E], [o], [O] in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). The goal of this paper is to verify the effects of frontness and height in the perception of these vowels. A test of vowel identification was given to 16 speakers of Argentine Spanish, aged between 16 e 18 years, using minimal pairs in BP. Results show that, in both front and back vowels, participants had higher scores in items containing close-mid vowels if compared with items containing open-mid vowels In relation to the frontness effect, participants also demonstrated more difficulty in identifying open-mid vowels than close-mid vowels. The results confirm the difficulty of Spanish speakers in identifying mid vowels of BP, as well as provide evidence that these learners are forming new L2 phonetic-phonological categories, despite the difficulty of defining aspects that characterize such acoustic-articulatory categories.Downloads
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