“What I Love Is This Cactus”
Becoming of images, math(s) and research
multiplicity, early years, video production, attitudes, childhoodAbstract
This article is a clipping of a master’s research, finished in 2018, which aimed to analyze externalizations of attitudes regarding the mathematics of 1st year elementar school students. The research was conducted with the participation of 22 students from 6 and 7 years old, from a private school in the city of Miranda/MS. These externalizations emerged from videos made by the students themselves and this article discusses one of the episodes generated by these image productions. The data analysis is based on the assumptions of the Attitudes Study, childhood as experience, multiplicity and productions with digital natives. From the mathematic(s) produced by the students, the process that we called, in Portuguese, “desformar”, and the frequent theorization of mathematic(s) practiced in childhood was problematized. From this it is, concluded that mathematics, unique and formative, ends up imposing our attitudes that silence the deformative mathematics produced by students, implying more and more equal attitudes on their part in relation to the subject. It is hoped that this study will raise new questions about ways of researching in childhood, mathematic(s) constitution and digital technologies.
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