“If not beaten, we do not learn”: education and children’s rights in Angola
Education. Children’s rights. Corporal punishment. Angola.Abstract
This paper aimed to assess the situation of children’s rights and the existence of corporal punishment in Angolan public primary schools. Both studies 1 and 2 used the ecological engagement as a methodological background. In study 1, quantitative, most of the 241 participants, children form 9 to 18 years old, said that at least once they have been grounded or victims of corporal punishment by teachers. In study 2, qualitative, all participants said that corporal punishment is frequently used in their schools. Although they do not like it, many of them said that this kind of punishment is a requisite for the learning process. Participants also identified infrastructural problems and lack of school suplies, water, electricity and food at the schools. Children’s rights are still incipient in Angola as a country and in the schools in particular.
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