The relationship between love and theological education in Summa theologica of Thomas Aquinas
Education. Love. Thomas Aquinas. Summa theologica.Abstract
This paper discusses the relationship between love and education in the Summa theologica of Thomas Aquinas, in order to highlight the importance of love as a principle for human development. The Dominican theologian analyzes the characteristics of love in the first section of the second part of the Summa and highlights its importance for man and society. Love, being one of the passions of the soul that makes us able to act, is in thomasian perspective, closely related to knowledge and reflective thinking, for reason is the element by which we can establish the common good as an essential principle of our actions. We seek, as a theoretical and methodological basis, the assumptions of social history so that we could analyze the objective in a perspective of totality, since love albeit a singular feeling is in potentially all people.
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