Individualization and recognition


  • Angelo Vitório Cenci Universidade de Passo Fundo


Individualization. Recognition. Formation. Subjectivity. Communicative freedom.



This study addresses the theme of individualization under Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition with the aim of placing the problematic of human formation amidst the paradoxes of the individualism of modern self-realisation and the emancipatory perspectives unfolded by the notion of communicative freedom. The discussion starts by reviewing Simmel and Honneth himself to resume the meaning individualization has taken with the advent of modernity. Next, the text considers the paradoxical changes presently undergone by modern individualization that have made into individualism of self-realisation and some of its consequences for the constitution of subjectivity. Finally, based on Honneth’s concept of communicative freedom, efforts are made to defend that such concept, updated from Hegel, provides important elements to conceive the scope of human formation far beyond the paradoxes of individualism of self-realisation.


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How to Cite

Cenci, A. V. (2013). Individualization and recognition. Educação, 36(3), 314–324. Retrieved from



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