Além do tempo

a perenidade do Weltbürgerrecht de Kant diante da abordagem de Rawls




cosmopolitan right, cosmopolitism , law of peoples, global justice.


The primary objective of this essay is to critically examine and compare the core concepts of international justice as articulated by Kant and Rawls. Specifically, the focus centers on Kant's cosmopolitan law (Weltbürgerrecht) and Rawls' law of peoples. This analysis delves into the international dimensions of these theories, exploring key aspects such as the philosophers' perspectives on war, immigration, and the moral imperative to provide refuge for those in need. Throughout the article, a parallel examination of these theories will be conducted alongside contemporary developments in international law and the safeguarding of individual rights, particularly within the realms of human rights and refugee law. The aim is to elucidate how the authors grappled with the practicality of their theories, revealing them to be "realistic utopias" that aspire to transformative change while acknowledging the challenges of implementation. These themes were chosen due to their inherent connection to the discourse surrounding international justice and the pressing challenges faced by this discipline in the present era. By analyzing the theories put forth by two prominent political philosophers, we seek to provide a comprehensive framework for reflecting upon the complex issue of refugees in the modern world. Moreover, our intention is to demonstrate that Kant's theory, by embracing the inherent dignity and autonomy of individuals while emphasizing humanitarian and cosmopolitan duties, presents a more suitable approach for addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by refugees in our contemporary global landscape.


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Author Biographies

Keberson Bresolin, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brasil.

He has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Caxias do Sul (2005), a Bachelor's degree in Law from Federal University of Pelotas (2020), master's degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007) and sandwish doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2012) and the University of Tübingen, Germany. He is currently a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at UFPEL. He has experience in the area of ​​Political Philosophy and Law.

Carolina Moreira Paulsen, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brasil.

Graduated in Law from the Catholic University de Pelotas (2004) and specialization in Law from University of Coimbra (2008). Conducted programs professional training at the Brazilian Mission at the UN in Geneva and the High Commissioner for Rights Human Resources of the United Nations. Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Pelotas and, currently, PhD student at the same institution, works in the following areas: international human rights law, cosmopolitanism and Kant.


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How to Cite

Bresolin, K., & Moreira Paulsen, C. (2023). Além do tempo: a perenidade do Weltbürgerrecht de Kant diante da abordagem de Rawls. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 68(1), e44830.