With Honneth against Honneth in favor of Habermas
Honneth, Habermas, Philosophy of Law, critical theoryAbstract
Honneth intends to detect elements of the ethical life in social reality, to embrace friendships, intimate relationships, production and consumer market, the public sphere and the democratic rule of law. His philosophy of law is founded on a concept of freedom which is constituted socially and not from an individualistic and isolated perspective. This paper challenges the positive diagnosis made by Honneth in relation to such a social configuration of freedom. The text considers that Honneth was not successful in this endeavor, given that the missdevelopments of social freedom are more salient than their appropriate achievements. As alternative, the study points to Habermas project, based on very significant role played by law, including law as compensation for the missdevelopments of ethical life, as more suitable for a critical theory in our days.
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