The Process of Collective Participation on the Internet: Ethics to the Cyberspace


  • Fabio Pezzi Parode UNISINOS
  • Maximiliano Zapata Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, RS
  • Ione Bentz UNISINOS



Ethics. Communication. Civil Frame. Internet. Cyberculture.


This essay aims to discuss the role of the Internet as an agent of information dissemination, a tool of knowledge and culture. Networking participative processes and virtual communities provide evidence of tension between an old trampled model of centralized power structures, and the emergence of a dispersive and fragmentary order in social dynamics. In this context the controversies surrounding the civilian frame of the Internet arrise, being that our object of study. The establishment of the civilian frame has opened a space to establish a regulation of the internet as a collective heritage. Our goal is to analyze the civilian frame, on the set of the policies that promote Internet access, through a dialogue between communication, ethics and philosophy, questioning its fundamental principles as pluralism and cultural diversity in order to produce a reflection based on the guiding rules of this law project.


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How to Cite

Parode, F. P., Zapata, M., & Bentz, I. (2015). The Process of Collective Participation on the Internet: Ethics to the Cyberspace. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 60(1), e36-e46.



Ethics and Political Philosophy