Foucault's definition of anthropology and the limits of critical philosophy
Foucault. Anthropology. Kant. Human Sciences. Critical philosophy.Abstract
The main purpose of this article is to articulate the notion of anthropology, contained in the complementary thesis of Foucault´s Madness and Civilization, Genesis and structure of Kant's anthropology, and in his work of 1966, The Order of Things, recognizing in the use of this concept a theoretical complicity between the two texts. Second, we seek to understand the reasons which led Foucault to abandon Kant as critical reference to the human sciences. To disengage from the Kantian philosophy, the French thinker is forced to build other conditions that made possible the study of man, both inspired by structuralist tendency of French intellectualists, without, however, structure timeless conditions of discourse, as in Nietzsche´s criticism towards the philosophical tradition.
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