Parable and empathy in the teachings of Jesus
contributions from Edith Stein
Parables, Jesus, Empathy, Education, Edith SteinAbstract
In addition to teaching about the Kingdom of God, the parables told by Jesus in the Gospels introduce an entirely new method of teaching in biblical literature. The parables are, too, teachings that proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God and are based on everyday events, leading the listener to reflect on his or her daily attitudes. Jesus’ words deal with faith, trust, responsibility, love, and empathetic attitudes, which are fundamental topics for welcoming and relating to others. By combining Jesus’ teaching through parables with the writings of German philosopher Edith Stein (1891-1942) on the themes of education and empathy, this article aims to delve deeper into Jesus’ methodology by highlighting the power of symbolic language and the use of metaphor. In the course of our research, we revisited the theological-biblical literature and mapped Edith Stein’s contributions to the subject. In this way, we designed a bibliographical study with a qualitative approach. We found that Stein’s Christian philosophy, through an empathetic pedagogy, affirms the search for meaning and the infinite fullness of the divine truth of revelation. God communicates himself to the human mind in the way and to the extent that the mind opens itself to his knowledge. In this sense, we can understand the importance of the empathic act of “making” man participate in divine truth.
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