Risk factors for weight regain in the late postoperative of bariatric surgery
bariatric surgery, obesity, nutrition programs.Abstract
Aims: To evaluate risk factors for weight regain in patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
Methods: Cross-sectional study using self-administered online questionnaire. The questionnaire asked about factors that can be associated with weight regain after bariatric surgery. Weight, height, sex, age, education, income, and nutrition appointment attendance before and after surgery were registered. Body mass index, weight loss, and loss of excess weight in the immediate postoperative period and at 6, 12, and 24 months postoperatively, as well as at the time of completing the questionnaire, were evaluated. Weight regain was evaluated according to the lowest weight achieved since surgery. The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire-21 was used to classify eating behavior into Emotional Eating, Cognitive Dietary Restraint, or Uncontrolled Eating.
Results: The questionnaire was answered by 46 individuals who underwent bariatric surgery, with a mean age of 38±8.78 years and a median of three postoperative years. Forty-three (93.5%) patients were female. The mean loss of excess weight and current weight loss were 78.56±16.12% and 35.24±8.19%, respectively. The current body mass index was 27.35±3.98 kg/m2. Emotional eating was observed in 18 (39.13%), cognitive restraint in 24 (52.17%), and emotional eating associated with cognitive restraint in 4 (8.69%) of the respondents. Eighteen individuals (39%) regained weight, especially after 12 months. A monthly family income greater than 4000 Brazilian Reals and nutrition appointments fewer than three in the preoperative period were associated with a larger probability of weight regain.
Conclusions: In this sample, low nutrition appointment attendance in the preoperative period and a high family income were risk factors for weight regain in the late postoperative period of bariatric surgery.
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