Profile of arachnid accidents in the State of Goias, Brazil, between 2007 and 2011
AIMS: To describe the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the spider accidents reported at the Center for Toxicological Information of the State of Goiás. To compare and contrast the data of description and evaluation of the clinical picture and use of specific serum with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the medical literature.
METHODS: The data were collected using the report notes of the Center for Toxicological Information of the State of Goiás. The data on the urban expansion were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and through Landsat satellite images.
RESULTS: In the period of this study the spider accidents in the State of Goiás represented 15,91% of the accidents with venomous arthropods, with a total of 659 cases. The two micro regions with the highest occurrence of cases were Goiânia, with 305 cases (46,28%) and the surroundings of Brasília, with 69 cases (10,47%). There was a higher incidence in the 20 to 39 years age group. The most common region of accident was the foot. The time interval between accident and first medical care, in the majority of the cases, was between one and three hours. Pain was the prevailing symptom, which might be associated with edema, hyperemia and paresthesia, which together with vagal symptoms determine the gravity of the accident. In 214 cases serum therapy was used, and the type of serum was informed in 83.17%. There was use of excessive number of serum ampoules according to the Ministry of Health recommendations in 98,87% of the cases in which these data could be recovered. Among the notified cases, 89,37% evolved to cure. The data did not indicate the spider genus that caused the accidents.
CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the prevalence of spider accidents is linked to the urban expansion. In general the treatment was satisfactory, with high rate of cure and absence of deaths. There was an unnecessary use of serum and an incorrect number of ampoules in many cases. These data suggest a detachment from the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, which possess clear protocols, from identification of the spider to use of serum according to the gravity of the case.Downloads
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