Thematic nets on the web and online biosociability


  • Sandra Portella Montardo Universidade Feevale



Biosociability, blogs, thematic nets on the web


This article discusses online socialization in deaf people’s blogs as well as in blogs of people informed about this issue (Goffman, 1988). The aim is to identify its process of Social Inclusion. Once deaf people are blogs authors, we consider the biosociability concept a relevant point, just like the stigma question. (Goffman, 1988). Thus, we notice that the concept of thematic net on the web (Montardo; Passerino, 2008) is only partally apllied to a net like this one, because the subjects approached on it comprehend deafness, but also overpass it. To make this study methodologically possible, netnography (Hine, 2005, Kozinets, 2002) is used for identifying, selection and getting data from the chosen blogs. After that, Social Net Analysis (Recuero, 2005) allows the analysis of exchanges undertaken on this research.


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Author Biography

Sandra Portella Montardo, Universidade Feevale



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How to Cite

Montardo, S. P. (2011). Thematic nets on the web and online biosociability. Revista FAMECOS, 17(3), 295–303.


