Proactive subjects, autonomy and new technologies: challenges in the construction of the human in postmodernity
Autonomy, new technologies, human resources managementAbstract
The social, economical and technological reality of the society we live in imposes new ways of living and perceiving the world and brings a new conception of humanity. The proactive subjects, alone in their search, develop a stronger feeling of being misunderstood in a time when their actions are converted into megabits, facilitating the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Understanding the implications of the technological imaginary existing at the present time and perceiving its promises of autonomy enable us to observe the setting of a scenario that some authors refer to as post-modernity. Such scenario poses challenges to marketing professionals and human resources managers within a competitive society. In order to discuss these issues, this text presents some theoretical assumptions that might move forward the debates about the development of a more fair and democratic society.Downloads
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