Mapping Collective Identities of the Brazilian Far Right on Twitter
far right, digital trace analysis, Twitter, digital platforms, network analysisAbstract
Social media platforms, such as Twitter, function as means of cognition, communication, and cooperation, enabling the conflictive communicational practice of constant constitution and redefinition of subjects, their actions, and modes of agency. In recent years, research has found evidence that the far right has gained strength in these digital spaces. However, these productions lacked a proper bibliographic review of the ideological characteristics of the far right and, more specifically, the far right in Brazil. The purpose of this work is to fill this gap. We propose a methodological strategy that is divided into two parts. First, we conducted a bibliographic review of the latest works on the far right. Then, we employed the methodology of digital trace analysis to identify the identity elements of the Brazilian far right on Twitter. The findings align with specialized literature on the far right, confirming the same identity traits of the political actors identified through other methodological approaches.
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