“Cinema was becoming more real”

From the French New Wave to the Vertical Screen Aesthetics of Mobile Short Video





french new wave film, vertical screen, narrative aesthetics


This study examines the historical legitimacy, aesthetic potential and limitations of the vertical screen image through two dimensions: cross media comparison of the New Wave of French cinema and the creative practice of thevertical screen image in the complex new media environment of today. This studyfollows the principle of unity between history and logic to explore in detail theinfluence and inspiration of the narrative aesthetics of French New Wave films on the creation of short videos in the vertical screen era, starting from the four dimensions of “telling” and “showing”, as well as narrative time and narrative space. Through the media archaeology of film history, it is easy to find that many features of short video creation coincide with the creative concept advocated by the French New Wave.


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Author Biography

Ruomu Miao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, Chine.

Master of Arts in Film Studies from the China Film Art Research Centre (China Film Archive), Beijing, China. Bachelor of Arts in Letters from Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, with a scholarship from the Chinese government. Ph.D. candidate in Journalism and Communication at the School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, with a scholarship from the Chinese government


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How to Cite

Miao, R. (2023). “Cinema was becoming more real”: From the French New Wave to the Vertical Screen Aesthetics of Mobile Short Video. Revista FAMECOS, 30(1), e44854. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2023.1.44854



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