Consumption and lifestyle
Notes to studying class identities
Mediations. Class identities. EcovillagesAbstract
Discussing substantive issues of the structure of capitalist society proves to be mandatory for ongoing empirical research on the relationship between communication practices and the new identity of the neo-rural middle class of ecovillages. If the search for a sustainable relationship with nature is the most visible fact in the formation of ecovillages, the reasons for the protagonism of the middle class and the role of digital media in the constitution of sustainable ways of life are understudied. The objective of this article is to present some results regarding the context and the structural mediations that motivated the change in lifestyle, returning to the notion of alienation of work, consumption and human beings in relation to nature. In order, then, during the next stage of the investigation, to shed light on the role of interpersonal communication practices and those mediated by technical devices in the reconfiguration of the identities of fractions of the middle class.
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