João do Rio e os gêneros jornalísticos no início do século XX


  • Marcelo Bulhões Universidade Estadual Paulista



Journalistic genres, News reporting, Press history


João do Rio’s work is an indispensable object for the reflection about the development of journalist genres in Brazil. After decades of negligence the revalorization of this work needs some adjustments, though. Basically, it is necessary to strictly locate Rio’s work in a very specific context: the beginning of the 20th century – moment in which journalism in the country was suffering significant changes, the interruption of its political engagement and the incorporation of a commercial and business-like dynamic. The recognition of the peculiarities of this context is the key for understanding how the journalist genres presented in Rio’s main work are formed. By this analysis the plural characteristic in the configuration of genres originated from the European journalism, as the symbiosis between news reporting and chronicle, can be measured.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Bulhões, Universidade Estadual Paulista

He is a professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista, a PhD in Brazilian Literature and a master in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, both from USP. He holds a degree in Portuguese from UNESP. Professor of the Social Communication Course at UNESP, where he teaches Portuguese and Portuguese literature. Composes the Post-graduation program in Communication of the same institution. Experienced researcher, with periodical intellectual production, his recent production is focused on the historical and discursive relations between journalism and literature and on the fictional manifestations of the media.


EDMUNDO, Luiz. O Rio de Janeiro de meu tempo. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1938.

GRIECO, Agripino. Evolução da prosa brasileira. Rio de janeiro: Ariel, 1933.

MEDINA, Cremilda. Notícia, um produto à venda: jornalismo na sociedade urbana e industrial. 2. ed. São Paulo: Summus, 1988.

PEREIRA, Lúcia Miguel. História da literatura brasileira: prosa de ficção: de 1870 a 1920. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia; São Paulo: USP, 1988.

RIO, João do. A alma encantadora das ruas. Paris: H. Garnier, 1908.

_____. Vida vertiginosa. Rio de Janeiro: Garnier, 1911.

RODRIGUES, João Carlos. João do Rio: uma biografia. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 1996.

SILVA, Carlos Eduardo Lins da. O adiantado da hora: a influência americana sobre o jornalismo brasileiro. São Paulo: Summus, 1990.



How to Cite

Bulhões, M. (2008). João do Rio e os gêneros jornalísticos no início do século XX. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32), 78–84.



Mediation between newspapers and other media