The struggles around the “politically correct” in advertising
Politically correct. Advertising. Contestation practices.Abstract
This paper addresses the debate on ‘political correctness’ in the articulations between the field of advertising and society at large in Brazil. More than a crystallised expression, “political correctness” stems from a debate initiated by different perspectives of study (discourse, culture, and media), whose unfoldings are important to ponder the configurations of contemporary advertising and the ways in which subjects relate to it. This debate is put forth through the empirical analysis of the tensioning around the topic in Brazil’s social scenario in the period from 2005 to 2015. Debates around Political Correctness enable positions around censorship and freedom of speech in the field of advertising and express claims for recognition in society, especially around the representation of women. “Political correctness” qualifies, in this context, as a discursive mechanism in the disputes around those representations imparted by advertising.
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