Algorithmic platforms: interpellation, profiling and performativity
Algorithmic platforms. Interpellation. Performativity.Abstract
Algorithmic platforms are networks with controlled access in which the user is governed by algorithms. On these platforms, the user’s identity is continually redefined based on data provided by him or extracted from his activity. This is the case of Google services; social networks such as Facebook; e-commerce sites such as Amazon; streaming providers such as Netflix and Spotify; sharing economy services such as Uber and Airbnb; and devices connected to the internet of things, such as wearable technologies. In order to analyze the user’s interaction with these platforms, this work of theoretical articulation draws on three categories. Interpellation is the algorithm approach to the user, recalibrated at each iteration. This approach operates through profiling, i.e., the ad hoc definition of profiles grounded on the combination of user traits. Profiling, in turn, is consolidated by virtue of its assumption by the user, which corresponds to performativity.
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